WalkMe Mobile Solutions التطبيقات

Milionar Quiz Română 4.9.2
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Cel mai popular joc de cunoștințe generale este acum disponibilpentru dispozitivele Android.Descărcați jocul, distrați-vă, învățați și arătați-ne tot ceștiți!CUM SE JOACĂ:- Jucătorul trebuie să răspundă corect la 15 întrebări- Puteți folosi patru vieți- La final, veți câștiga (virtual) 1 MILION de dolari- Dacă nu veți reuși să ajungeți la final, veți pierde to sau vețicâștiga doar suma corespunzătoare nivelului la care ați ajuns- Conține câteva niveluri personale ce trebuie atinse- Și în cele din urmă, clasamentul online care să arate ceștiți!- Multă baftă!MOD FĂRĂ CRONOMETRU:Jucați fără limită de timp pentru a vă relaxa și a vă partajacunoștințele cu familia și prietenii.MOD CRONOMETRAT:În acest mod de joc, aveți un timp limitat pentru a răspunde lafiecare întrebare. Provocarea dvs. este să fiți cel mai rapid.Încă nu v-am convins?- Un joc cu întrebări pentru a vă distra și învăța alături deîntreaga familie. Nu-l ratați!- Peste 20.000 de întrebări pentru a vă testa cunoștințele șicultura generală.- Acest joc cu întrebări este disponibil în șase limbi: engleză,franceză, germană, spaniolă, italiană și portugheză.- Hobby-ul perfect pentru a arăta că mai aveți multe deînvățat!- Partajați-vă rezultatele pe rețelele de socializare (Facebook șiTwitter) și demonstrați-le prietenilor că sunteți cel mai bun!Have feedback or need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.ptThe mostpopular game of general knowledge is now available for Androiddevices.Download the game, have fun, learn and show us everything youknow!HOW TO PLAY:- The player must correctly answer 15 questions- You can use four lives- Finally, you earn (virtual) $ 1 million- If you fail to reach the final, you lose or you win only to theamount corresponding to the level at which you arrived- Contains some personal levels to be achieved- And finally, online rankings to show what you know!- Good luck!NO TIMER MODE:Play unlimited time to relax and share your knowledge with familyand friends.MOD timers:In this game mode, you have a limited time to answer each question.Your challenge is to be the fastest.Still not convinced I?- A game with questions for fun and learning for the whole family.Do not miss it!- Over 20,000 questions to test your knowledge and generalculture.- This game is available in six languages ​​questions: English,French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.- Perfect hobby to show that you have a lot to learn!- Share your results on social networks (Facebook and Twitter) andshow your friends that you are the best!Have feedback or Need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.pt
Εκατομμυριούχος Quiz Ελληνικά 4.9.2
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Το πιο δημοφιλές παιχνίδι γενικών γνώσεων είναι τώρα διαθέσιμο γιαAndroid.Κατεβάστε το παιχνίδι, διασκεδάστε, μάθετε και δείξτε τιέχετε!ΠΩΣ ΝΑ ΠΑΙΞΕΤΕ:- Ο παίκτης πρέπει να απαντήσει σωστά σε 15 ερωτήσεις- Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις τέσσερις σανίδες σωτηρίας- Στο τέλος θα κερδίσετε ένα ΕΚΑΤΟΜΜΥΡΙΟ δολάρια (εικονικά)- Αν αποτύχετε, θα χάσετε τα πάντα ή θα κερδίσετε τα αντίστοιχα γιατο επίπεδο που βρίσκεστε- Έχει πολλά προσωπικά επιτεύγματα τα οποία πρέπει να φτάσετε- Τέλος, η ηλεκτρονική κατάταξη που δείχνει τι έχετε!- Καλή τύχη!ΧΩΡΙΣ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΧΡΟΝΟΔΙΑΚΟΠΤΗ:Παίξτε χωρίς χρονικό όριο για να χαλαρώσετε και να μοιραστείτε τιςγνώσεις σας με την οικογένεια και τους φίλους.ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΧΡΟΝΟΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ:Σε αυτή τη λειτουργία παιχνιδιού έχετε περιορισμένο χρόνο για νααπαντήσετε σε κάθε ερώτηση. Η πρόκλησή σας είναι να είστε οταχύτερος.Ακόμη δεν έχετε πειστεί;- Ένα παιχνίδι κουίζ για να διασκεδάσετε και να μάθετε με όλη τηνοικογένεια. Μην το χάσετε!- Περισσότερες από 20.000 ερωτήσεις για να δοκιμάσετε τις γνώσειςσας και την γενική καλλιέργεια.- Αυτό το παιχνίδι trivia είναι διαθέσιμο σε 6 γλώσσες: Αγγλικά,Γαλλικά, Γερμανικά, Ισπανικά, Ιταλικά και Πορτογαλικά.- Το τέλειο χόμπι για να δείξετε ότι έχετε ακόμα πολλά ναμάθετε!- Μοιραστείτε στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα (Facebook και Twitter) ταεπιτεύγματά σας και δείξτε στους φίλους σας ότι είστε οκαλύτερος!Have feedback or need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.ptThe mostpopular game of general knowledge is now available for Android.Download game, have fun, learn and show what you've got!HOW TO PLAY:- The player must correctly answer 15 questions- You can use the four lifelines- At the end you will win one million dollars (virtual)- If you fail, you will lose everything or win corresponding to thelevel you- It has many personal achievements which must be reached- Finally, the electronic ranking shows what you have!- Good luck!FUNCTION WITHOUT TIMER:Play with no time limit for you to relax and share your knowledgewith family and friends.OPERATION TIME TRIAL:In this game mode you have limited time to answer each question.Your challenge is to be the fastest.You still have not convinced?- A quiz game to have fun and learn with the whole family. Do notmiss it!- More than 20,000 questions to test your knowledge and generalculture.- This trivia game is available in 6 languages: English, French,German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.- The perfect hobby to show that you still have a lot tolearn!- Share to social networks (Facebook and Twitter) youraccomplishments and show your friends that you're the best!Have feedback or need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.pt
Trivial Quiz Nederlands 3.3
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Trivial is een trivia-spel dat in verschillende categorieën isverdeeld om je kennis uit te dagen!Zo speel je:• Start een nieuw spel• Kies je favoriete categorie• Beantwoord de 15 vragen zo snel mogelijk• Hoe meer vragen je op rij goed hebt, hoe meer punten jekrijgt!Je kunt uit de volgende categorieën kiezen:• Aardrijkskunde (landen, hoofdsteden, vlaggen...)• Entertainment (films, muziek, artiesten...)• Geschiedenis• Kunst en Literatuur (boeken, schilderijen...)• Wetenschap en Natuur• Sport en Vrije tijd (voetbal, gastronomie, bordspellen...)Wil je meer dan één categorie? Geen probleem! Je kunt dewillekeurige modus kiezen, zodat je spel van alles wat heeft ;)MULTIPLAYER:Speel tegen je vrienden of tegen willekeurige tegenstanders en laatzien dat je de beste bent!STATISTIEKEN:Trivial toont je een stel statistieken, zodat je je prestaties inhet spel kunt volgen en je steeds kunt proberen om je hoogste scorete verbeteren!VRIENDEN:Je kunt het ook opnemen tegen je vrienden (log in met Facebook) ofandere spelers via de online scoreborden, zodat je kunt laten zienwat je in je mars hebt!Ben je nog steeds niet overtuigd?- Een quiz-spel om met het hele gezin plezier mee te hebben en omvan te leren. Mis het niet!- Een verslavend en leuk quizje met vragen die steeds wordenbijgewerkt, zodat je blijft spelen.- Meer dan 20.000 vragen om je kennis en algemene cultuur mee tetesten.- Dit trivia-spel is in 6 talen beschikbaar: Engels, Frans, Duits,Spaans, Italiaans en Portugees.- De perfecte hobby die je laat zien dat je nog veel moetleren!- Een spel van vragen en antwoorden voor liefhebbers van trivialezaken.- “Wie wordt er rijk?” is een dynamisch spel waardoor je snellergaat denken en dat je helpt om steeds sneller te worden.- Deel je prestaties op sociale netwerken (Facebook en Twitter) enlaat je vrienden zien dat jij de beste bent! En word miljonair.Trivial isa trivia game that is divided into different categories tochallenge your skills!How to play:• Start a new game• Choose your favorite category• Answer the 15 questions as quickly as possible• The more questions you have right in a row, the more points youget!You can choose from the following categories:• Geography (countries, capitals, flags ...)• Entertainment (movies, music, artists ...)• History• Art and Literature (books, paintings ...)• Science and Nature• Sports and Leisure (football, gastronomy, board games ...)Want more than one category? No problem! You can choose any modeso you play everything has;)MULTIPLAYER:Play against your friends or random opponents and show that you'rethe best!STATISTICS:Trivial shows a bunch of statistics so you can track yourperformance in the game and you can always try to improve yourscore!FRIENDS:You can also play against your friends (log in to Facebook) orother players via the online leaderboards so you can show whatyou've got on offer!Are you still not convinced?- A quiz game to have fun with the whole family and to learn from.Do not miss it!- An addictive and fun quizje with questions still being updated,so you keep playing.- More than 20,000 questions to test your knowledge along andgeneral culture.- This trivia game is available in 6 languages: English, French,German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.- The perfect hobby that you show that you still have a lot tolearn!- A game of questions and answers for lovers of trivialmatters.- "Who is rich?" Is a dynamic game that makes you think faster andhelps you to be faster and faster.- Share your achievements on social networks (Facebook and Twitter)and show your friends that you're the best! And become amillionaire.
Trivial Quiz Ελληνικά 3.3
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Το Trivial είναι ένα παιχνίδια trivia που χωρίζεται σε διάφορεςκατηγορίες για να προκαλέσει τις γνώσεις σας!Πως να παίξετε:• Ξεκινήστε ένα καινούριο παιχνίδι• Επιλέξτε την αγαπημένη σας κατηγορία• Απαντήστε στις 15 ερωτήσεις στο συντομότερο χρονικόδιάστημα• Όσες περισσότερες σωστές απαντήσεις στη σειρά, τόσο περισσότερουςπόντους παίρνετε!Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε μία από τις παρακάτω κατηγορίες:• Γεωγραφία (Χώρες, πρωτεύουσες, σημαίες...)• Ψυχαγωγία (Ταινίες, μουσική, καλλιτέχνες...)• Ιστορία• Τέχνη και Λογοτεχνία (Βιβλία, πίνακες...)• Επιστήμη και Φύση• Αθλητισμός και Ελεύθερος χρόνος (Ποδόσφαιρο, γαστρονομία,επιτραπέζια παιχνίδια...)Θέλετε περισσότερες από μια κατηγορίες; Κανένα πρόβλημα!Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε την τυχαία λειτουργία έτσι ώστε το παιχνίδισας να έχει λίγο απ 'όλα ;)ΠΟΛΛΟΙ ΠΑΙΚΤΕΣ:Παίξτε με τους φίλους σας ή με τυχαίους αντιπάλους και δείξτε πωςείστε ο καλύτερος!ΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΑ:Το Trivial κουίζ δείχνει μια σειρά από στατιστικά στοιχεία για ναπαραμένετε ενημερωμένοι για την απόδοσή σας στο παιχνίδι και ναπροσπαθείτε πάντα να βελτιωθείτε στο μέγιστο!ΦΙΛΟΙ:Μπορείτε επίσης να ανταγωνιστείτε με τους φίλους σας (με σύνδεσηστο Facebook) ή με άλλους παίκτες μέσα από τους διαδικτυακούςπίνακες κορυφαίων, έτσι ώστε να μπορείτε να δείξετε τι ξέρετε!ΧΩΡΙΣ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΧΡΟΝΟΔΙΑΚΟΠΤΗ:Παίξτε χωρίς χρονικό όριο για να χαλαρώσετε και να μοιραστείτε τιςγνώσεις σας με την οικογένεια και τους φίλους.ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΧΡΟΝΟΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ:Σε αυτή τη λειτουργία παιχνιδιού έχετε περιορισμένο χρόνο για νααπαντήσετε σε κάθε ερώτηση. Η πρόκλησή σας είναι να είστε οταχύτερος.Ακόμη δεν έχετε πειστεί;- Ένα παιχνίδι κουίζ για να διασκεδάσετε και να μάθετε με όλη τηνοικογένεια. Μην το χάσετε!- Περισσότερες από 20.000 ερωτήσεις για να δοκιμάσετε τις γνώσειςσας και την γενική καλλιέργεια.- Αυτό το παιχνίδι trivia είναι διαθέσιμο σε 6 γλώσσες: Αγγλικά,Γαλλικά, Γερμανικά, Ισπανικά, Ιταλικά και Πορτογαλικά.- Το τέλειο χόμπι για να δείξετε ότι έχετε ακόμα πολλά ναμάθετε!- Μοιραστείτε στα κοινωνικά δίκτυα (Facebook και Twitter) ταεπιτεύγματά σας και δείξτε στους φίλους σας ότι είστε οκαλύτερος!Have feedback or need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.ptTheTrivial is a trivia games divided into different categories totrigger your knowledge!How to play:• Start a new game• Choose your favorite category• Answer the 15 questions in the shortest time• The more correct answers in a row, the more points you get!You can select one of the following categories:• Geography (lands, capitals, flags ...)• Entertainment (movies, music, artists ...)• History• Art and Literature (books, paintings ...)• Science and Nature• Sports and Leisure (Football, gastronomy, games ...)You want more than one category? No problem! You can select therandom function so that your game has a bit of everything?)MANY PLAYERS:Play with friends or random opponents and show that you're thebest!STATS:The Trivial quiz shows are a number of statistics to keep informedabout your performance in the game and always try to improveyourself to the max!FRIENDS:You can also compete with your friends (linked to Facebook) or withother players through the online leaderboards so you can show whatyou know!FUNCTION WITHOUT TIMER:Play with no time limit for you to relax and share your knowledgewith family and friends.OPERATION TIME TRIAL:In this game mode you have limited time to answer each question.Your challenge is to be the fastest.You still have not convinced?- A quiz game to have fun and learn with the whole family. Do notmiss it!- More than 20,000 questions to test your knowledge and generalculture.- This trivia game is available in 6 languages: English, French,German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.- The perfect hobby to show that you still have a lot tolearn!- Share to social networks (Facebook and Twitter) youraccomplishments and show your friends that you're the best!Have feedback or need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.pt
Mundo da Bola 4.3.4
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
A melhor aplicação de desporto está de volta, e temos algumasnovidades!Com o Mundo da Bola tem acesso às principais notícias do dia,actualizadas ao minuto!Aceda de forma rápida às capas do dia dos jornais desportivos, eescolha a sua fonte de notícias preferida.Pode também acompanhar os jogos em direto, receber notificaçõesdo seu clube, ver quais os próximos jogos na TV e resultados dosjogos já realizados.Com esta edição digital pode aceder de forma rápida, eficiente eflexível aos acontecimentos desportivos que fazem notícias emPortugal e no Mundo.Todo o conteúdo mostrado nesta aplicação é proveniente dasfontes identificadas, utilizando o sistema de RSS.Tens comentários ou precisas de ajuda, contacta-nosinfo@walkme.ptThe bestsports application is back, and we have some news!With the Ball World has access to the main news of the day, upto the minute!Go quickly to the sports newspapers day covers, and choose yourpreferred source of news.You can also follow the games in direct and receivenotifications of your club, see what the upcoming games on TV andresults of games already made.With this digital edition you can access quickly, efficientlyand flexibly to sporting events that make news in Portugal and theWorld.All content shown on this application comes from the identifiedsources, using the RSS system.Do you have comments or need help, contact usinfo@walkme.pt
Notícias de Desporto 3.3.5
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Notíticias de Desporto é a tua aplicação de desporto, comasnotícias mais relevantes do teu clube!Podes escolher as tuas fontes preferidas e ler asprincipaisnotícias do desporto nacional e internacional.Este agregador gratuito de notícias tem asseguintesfuncionalidades:- Ler as últimas notícias de desporto- Escolher as fontes preferidas- Ver as capas dos jornais- Ver os jogos realizados, próximos jogos e jogos na TV- Lista das últimas transferênciasTens comentários ou precisas de ajuda, contacta-nosinfo@walkme.ptSportsNotíticias is your sport of application, with the mostrelevantnews of your club!You can choose your preferred sources and read the breakingnewsabout the national and international sport.This free news aggregator has the following features:- Read the latest sports news- Select the preferred sources- See the covers of newspapers- Watch made games, upcoming games and games on TV- List of last transfersDo you have comments or need help, contact usinfo@walkme.pt
Últimas Notícias 3.3.5
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Últimas Notícias é a tua aplicação de notícias, para ter toda aatualidade informativa de Portugal!Podes escolher as tuas fontes preferidas e ler as principaisnotícias nacionais e internacionais.Este agregador gratuito de notícias tem as seguintesfuncionalidades:- Ler as últimas notícias de Portugal- Notícias separadas por categorias- Escolher as tuas fontes preferidas- Ver as capas dos jornais e o tempoTens comentários ou precisas de ajuda, contacta-nosinfo@walkme.ptLatestNews is your news application, to have all the information presentin Portugal!You can choose your preferred sources and read the main nationaland international news.This free news aggregator has the following features:- Read the latest news of Portugal- News separated by categories- Choose your preferred sources- See the covers of newspapers and timeDo you have comments or need help, contact usinfo@walkme.pt
GuideMe | Madeira Island Guide 1.0.3
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Going to Madeira? This guide is perfect for those who visit MadeiraIsland, especially the city of Funchal. All available OFFLINE!Many points of interest can be found in this app, such asrestaurants, hotels, gardens, monuments, and other places. This appalso provides a set of self guided routes through the main pointsof the city.All information is stored in the app, everything is availableoffline, no data roaming charges!KEY FEATURES:- Self-Guided tours with the best itineraries- Tips by the locals (that’s us)- GPS to help you find the place you want- Prices, schedules, directions, etc- Main activities and events on Madeira- 100+ points of interest- 200+ photos- ALL OFFLINE!What are you waiting for?
Miljonairs Quiz Nederlands 4.9.2
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Het populairste algemene kennisspel is nu beschikbaar voor Android.Download het spel, heb plezier, leer en laat zien wat jekunt!ZO SPEEL JE:- De speler moet 15 vragen goed beantwoorden- Je kunt gebruik maken van vier hulplijnen- Aan het eind win je 1 MILJOEN dollar (virtueel)- Als het niet lukt, verlies je alles of ga je naar hetbijbehorende level van waar je bent- Er zijn verschillende persoonlijke prestaties om te behalen- Tenslotte is er de online ranglijst om te laten zien wat jekunt!- Veel geluk!ZONDER TIMER-MODUS:Speel zonder tijdslimiet om ontspannen je kennis te delen metfamilie en vrienden.TIMER-MODUS:In deze spelmodus heb je beperkte tijd om elke vraag tebeantwoorden. Jij moet proberen de snelste te zijn.Ben je nog steeds niet overtuigd?- Een quiz-spel om met het hele gezin plezier mee te hebben en omvan te leren. Mis het niet!- Meer dan 20.000 vragen om je kennis en algemene cultuur mee tetesten.- Dit trivia-spel is in 6 talen beschikbaar: Engels, Frans, Duits,Spaans, Italiaans en Portugees.- De perfecte weekend hobby die je laat zien dat je nog veel moetleren!- Deel je prestaties op sociale netwerken en laat je vrienden ziendat jij de beste bent! En word miljonair.The mostpopular general knowledge game is now available for Android.Download the game, have fun, learn and show what you can!How to play:- The player must answer all 15 questions- You can use four guides- At the end you win 1 MILLION dollar (virtual)- If you fail, you lose everything or you go to the appropriatelevel of where you are- There are various personal performance to achieve- Finally, there is the online rankings to show what you can!- Good luck!NO TIMER MODE:Play with no time limit for you to relax and share knowledge withfamily and friends.TIMER MODE:In this game mode you have limited time to answer each question.You should try to be the fastest.Are you still not convinced?- A quiz game to have fun with the whole family and to learn from.Do not miss it!- More than 20,000 questions to test your knowledge along andgeneral culture.- This trivia game is available in 6 languages: English, French,German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.- The perfect weekend hobby that you show that you still have a lotto learn!- Share your achievements on social networks and show your friendsthat you're the best! And become a millionaire.
Trivial Quiz Polskie 3.3
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Trivial to gra o ciekawostkach, podzielona na kilka kategorii,stanowiąca wyzwanie dla Twojej wiedzy!Zasady gry:• Rozpocznij nową grę.• Wybierz swoją ulubioną kategorię.• Odpowiedz na 15 pytań w jak najkrótszym czasie.• Im więcej razy z rzędu prawidłowo odpowiesz, tym więcej punktówotrzymasz!Możesz wybierać z następujących kategorii:• Geografia (państwa, stolice, flagi...)• Rozrywka (filmy, muzyka, artyści...)• Historia• Sztuka i literatura (książki, malarstwo...)• Nauka i przyroda• Sport i czas wolny (piłka nożna, sztuka kulinarna, gryplanszowe...)Chcesz wybrać więcej niż jedną kategorię? Nie ma problemu!Możesz wybrać tryb losowy, tak aby Twoja gra miała odrobinęwszystkiego ;)DLA WIELU GRACZY:Graj przeciwko znajomym lub losowym przeciwnikom i pokaż, że jesteśnajlepszy!STATYSTYKI:Trivial ukazuje zestaw statystyk, abyś mógł na bieżąco śledzićswoje osiągnięcia w grze oraz wciąż próbować poprawić swójnajlepszy wynik!ZNAJOMI:Możesz również rywalizować ze znajomymi (Zaloguj się poprzez kontona Facebooku) lub innymi graczami poprzez tablice najlepszychwyników online, więc możesz pokazać, co potrafisz!Nadal nie jesteś przekonany?- Gra typu quiz umożliwiająca zabawę i naukę z całą rodziną. Nieprzegap jej!- Wciągający i zabawny quiz z pytaniami aktualizowanymi tak, abymożna było zagrać w każdej chwili.- Ponad 20 000 pytań sprawdzających Twoją wiedzę i ogólnakulturę.- Ta gra o ciekawostkach dostępna jest w 6 językach: angielskim,francuskim, niemieckim, hiszpańskim, włoskim i portugalskim.- Idealne hobby, które ukaże, że wciąż jeszcze masz wiele donauczenia się!- Gra składająca się z pytań i odpowiedzi dla miłośnikówciekawostek.- Kto Stanie się Bogaty to dynamiczna gra, która przyspieszymyślenie i pomoże Ci być coraz szybszym.- Udostępniaj swoje osiągnięcia na portalach społecznościowych(Facebooku i Twitterze) i pokaż swoim znajomym, że jesteśnajlepszy! Zostań milionerem.Trivial isa game of curiosities, divided into several categories, which is achallenge to your knowledge!Rules of the game:• Start a new game.• Choose your favorite category.• Answer the 15 questions in the shortest possible time.• The more times in a row you answer correctly, the more points youget!You can choose from the following categories:• Geography (States, capitals, flags ...)• Entertainment (movies, music, artists ...)• History• Art and literature (books, painting ...)• Science and Nature• Sports and Leisure (football, cookery, board games ...)You want to choose more than one category? No problem! You canselect random mode, so you can make the game had a little bit ofeverything;)FOR MULTI-PLAYER:Play against friends or random opponents and show that you're thebest!STATISTICS:Trivial shows a set of statistics, so you can keep track of yourachievements in the game, and still try to improve your bestscore!FRIENDS:You can also compete with your friends (Login by Facebook account)or other players via online highscore tables, so you can show whatyou can do!Still not convinced?- Quiz game that allows fun and learning for the whole family. Donot miss it!- Addictive and amusing quiz with questions updated from so thatyou can play at any time.- More than 20 000 questions checking your knowledge and generalculture.- This game of curiosities is available in 6 languages: English,French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.- Ideal hobbies that will show that we still have much tolearn!- The game consists of questions and answers for lovers ofcuriosities.- Who will become rich is a dynamic game that will accelerate thethinking and help you be getting faster.- Share your achievements on social networks (Facebook and Twitter)and show your friends that you're the best! Become amillionaire.
Millonario Kids Quiz Español 1.1.2
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
El juego más popular de cultura general ahora adaptado para osNIÑOSentre los 6 y los 12 años.En este juego encontrarás preguntas de Conocimiento delMedio,Matemática, Gramática, Inglés y mucho más…¡Totalmenteenespañol!Descárgalo ya y disfruta de este juego, mientras te diviertesyaprendes.¡Demuestra lo que vales y gánate tantas conquistascuantopuedas!Aquí está una breve introducción al juego:- Debes responder correctamente a 15 preguntas- Puedes utilizar las 4 ayudas- Al llegar al final te ganas 1 MILLÓN de puntos- Pero…!Ten cuidado! Al fallar una respuesta, pierdes todo oteganas apenas lo que corresponde a la etapa en la queteencuentras¡Buena suerte!Si tienes comentarios o necesitas ayuda, contáctanosinfo@walkme.ptThemostpopular game now adapted to general culture will CHILDRENbetween 6and 12 years.In this game you will find questions EnvironmentalAwareness,Mathematics, Grammar, English and more ... Totally inSpanish!Download it now and enjoy this game and learn whilehavingfun.Prove yourself and win many conquests soon as you can!Here is a brief introduction to the game:- You must correctly answer 15 questions- You can use the 4 supports- At the end you earn 1 MILLION points- But ... Beware! Failing a reply, you lose everything or youwannajust what corresponds to the stage where you findGood luck!If you have comments or need help, contact usinfo@walkme.pt
Trivial Quiz Română 3.3
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Trivial este un joc de întrebări împărțit pe mai multecategoriipentru a vă testa cunoștințele!Cum se joacă:• Joc nou• Selectați categoria preferată• Răspundeți la cele 15 întrebări cât mai rapid• Cu cât aveți mai multe răspunsuri consecutive corecte, cuatâtobțineți mai multe puncte!Puteți alege dintre următoarele categorii:• Geografie (țări, capitale, drapele...)• Divertisment (filme, muzică, artiști...)• Istorie• Artă și literatură (cărți, tablouri...)• Știință și natură• Sport și timp liber (fotbal, gastronomie, jocuridesocietate...)Doriți mai multe categorii? Nicio problemă! Puteți alegemodulaleatoriu, pentru ca jocul dvs. să aibă câte puțin dinfiecare;)MAI MULȚI JUCĂTORI:Jucați împotriva prietenilor sau a unor adversari aleși aleatorșiarătați-le tuturor că sunteți cel mai bun!STATISTICI:Trivial quiz vă afișează un set de date statistice pentru ca dvs.săfiți mereu la curent cu evoluția din joc și să văîmbunătățițipermanent performanțele!PRIETENI:Puteți concura și cu prietenii (conectare cu Facebook) sau cualțijucători, prin intermediul tabelei online, ca să le arătațituturorcât de multe știți!MOD FĂRĂ CRONOMETRU:Jucați fără limită de timp pentru a vă relaxa și a văpartajacunoștințele cu familia și prietenii.MOD CRONOMETRAT:În acest mod de joc, aveți un timp limitat pentru a răspundelafiecare întrebare. Provocarea dvs. este să fiți cel mairapid.Încă nu v-am convins?- Un joc cu întrebări pentru a vă distra și învăța alăturideîntreaga familie. Nu-l ratați!- Peste 20.000 de întrebări pentru a vă testa cunoștințeleșicultura generală.- Acest joc cu întrebări este disponibil în șase limbi:engleză,franceză, germană, spaniolă, italiană și portugheză.- Hobby-ul perfect pentru a arăta că mai aveți multedeînvățat!- Partajați-vă rezultatele pe rețelele de socializare (FacebookșiTwitter) și demonstrați-le prietenilor că sunteți cel maibun!Have feedback or need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.ptTrivialisa game of questions divided into several categories to testyourknowledge!How to play:• New game• Choose your preferred category• Answer the 15 questions as quickly• The consecutive correct answers you have, the more pointsyouget!You can choose between the following categories:• Geography (countries, capitals, flags ...)• Entertainment (movies, music, artists ...)• History• Art and Literature (books, paintings ...)• Science and Nature• Sport and leisure (football, cookery, games ...)Want more categories? No problem! You can choose how randomforyour game to be a bit of everything;)MORE PLAYERS:Play against friends or random opponents elected and showeveryonethat you are the best!STATISTICS:Trivial quiz shows you a set of statistics for you to keep onwiththe evolution of the game and improve yourperformancepermanently!FRIENDS:You can compete with your friends (connecting with Facebook) orwithother players via online table, to show them all how muchyouknow!NO TIMER MODE:Play unlimited time to relax and share your knowledge withfamilyand friends.MOD timers:In this game mode, you have a limited time to answer eachquestion.Your challenge is to be the fastest.Still not convinced I?- A game with questions for fun and learning for the wholefamily.Do not miss it!- Over 20,000 questions to test your knowledge andgeneralculture.- This game is available in six languages ​​questions:English,French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.- Perfect hobby to show that you have a lot to learn!- Share your results on social networks (Facebook and Twitter)andshow your friends that you are the best!Have feedback or Need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.pt
Notícias de Economia 3.3.5
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Notícias de Economia é a tua aplicação de economia, com asnotíciasmais relevantes do mundo financeiro!Podes escolher as tuas fontes preferidas e ler asprincipaisnotícias da economia nacional e internacional.Este agregador gratuito de notícias tem asseguintesfuncionalidades:- Ler as últimas notícias de economia- As notícias separadas por mercados, economia e empresas- Escolher as tuas fontes preferidas- Ver as capas dos jornais- Ver as bolsas, PSI 20, taxas de juro, câmbios ematériasprimas.Tens comentários ou precisas de ajuda, contacta-nosinfo@walkme.ptEconomicnews is your app economy with the most relevant news ofthefinancial world!You can choose your preferred sources and read the main newsofthe national and international economy.This free news aggregator has the following features:- Read the latest business news- The news separated by markets, economy and business- Choose your preferred sources- See the covers of newspapers- See the bags, PSI 20, interest rates, exchange rates andrawmaterials.Do you have comments or need help, contact usinfo@walkme.pt
Who Becomes Rich Quiz
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
The most popular game of general knowledge is now available forAndroid.Download the game, have fun, learn and show what you got!HOW TO PLAY:- The player must answer 15 questions correctly- You can use four lifelines- At the end you will win 1 MILLION dollars (virtual)- If you fail you will lose everything or gain the corresponding tothe level you are- It has several personal achievements to reach- Finally, the online ranking to show what you got!- Good luck!NO TIMER MODE:Play with no time limit to relax and share knowledge with familyand friends.TIMED MODE:In this game mode you have limited time to answer each question.Your challenge is to be the fastest.You're still not convinced?- A quiz game to have fun and learn with the whole family. Don’tmiss it!- An addictive and fun quiz with questions updated to play at anytime.- More than 20,000 questions to test your knowledge and generalculture.- This trivia game is available in 6 languages: English, French,German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.- The perfect hobby to show that you still have a lot tolearn!- A game of questions and answers for lovers of trivia.- Who Becomes Rich is a dynamic game to speed up your thinking andhelp you to be faster and faster.- Share in social networks (Facebook and Twitter) your achievementsand show your friends you're the best! And become aMillionaire.Have feedback or need support? Contact usinfo@walkme.pt
WalkMe | Azores Trails 2.1
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
This mobile application aims to be a guide (GPS) to all walkersinthe Azores Islands, providing useful information about thewalkingtrails.This is the app you need to unleash your explorer’s spirit andcomediscover the natural wonders of Azores!New safety feature - SOS:- Sending SMS with your location (GPS coordinates)- Direct calling to emergency numbers (112 or Civil Protection)Key Features:✓ Offline map (OpenStreetMap)✓ All trails are available offline✓ Distance, difficulty, duration and altitude of the trail✓ Trail’s description and photos✓ GPS trail on Google Maps or OpenStreetMap✓ GPS pinpoints your position✓ POI along each trail✓ Recommended equipment✓ Directions to get to the trail by car orpublictransportation✓ Share trails in social networksYou can also:- Browse the list or map- Search by name, keywords or location of the trail- Filter trails by distance, difficulty or location* There are 20 trails available in São Miguel, Terceira, Pico,SãoJorge, Faial and Flores Islands* We will be adding new trails regularly* Available in English, Portuguese, French and SpanishWebsite: http://www.walkmeguide.com/Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WalkMe.GuideNote: By downloading / updating / use / continue usingthisapplication you are agreeing to terms and conditions stated intheEULA (End User License Agreement).
Trivial Quiz Brasil
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
O Quiz Trivial é seu jogo de cultura geral dividido pordiversascategorias para desafiar seu conhecimentoComo jogar:• Comece um novo jogo• Selecione sua categoria preferida• Responda a 15 perguntas no menor tempo possível• Quanto mais perguntas certas seguidas, mais pontos ganha!Responda a perguntas de:• Geografia• Entretenimento• História• Arte e Literatura• Ciência e Natureza• Desporto e LazerVocê não quer ficar apenas por uma categoria? Não há problema!Vocêpode escolher o modo aleatório para seu jogo tenha um pouco detudo;)MULTIPLAYERJoga contra os teus amigos ou adversários aleatórios e mostra queéso melhor!ESTATÍSTICAS:O Quiz TRIVIAL mostra um conjunto de estatísticas para quevocêfique à par do seu desempenho no jogo e tente sempre melhorarseusmáximos!AMIGOS:Você pode também competir com seus amigos (Login com Facebook)ououtros jogadores através do ranking online, para que possamostraro que vale!Tens comentários ou precisas de ajuda, contacta-nosinfo@walkme.ptTheTrivialQuiz is your general knowledge game divided into variouscategoriesto challenge your knowledgeHow to play:• Start a new game• Select your preferred category• Answer the 15 questions in the shortest time possible• The more followed right questions, the most points wins!Answer the questions:• Geography• Entertainment• History• Arts and Literature• Science & Nature• Sports and LeisureYou do not want to stay only for a category? No problem! Youcanchoose to shuffle your game has a bit of everything;)MULTIPLAYERPlay against your friends or random opponents and show you'rethebest!STATISTICS:The Quiz TRIVIAL shows a set of statistics for you to get thepairof their performance in the game and always try to improvetheirmaximum!FRIENDS:You can also compete with your friends (Login with Facebook)orother players via the online leaderboards, so you can showitsworth!Do you have comments or need help, contact usinfo@walkme.pt
WalkMe | Trilhos Minho e Gerês 1.0.1
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Esta aplicação móvel pretende ser um guia (GPS) para todososcaminhantes na zona do Minho e Parque Nacional Peneda doGerês,fornecendo informações úteis sobre as caminhadas e trilhosdaregião.Esta é a aplicação que precisas para soltar o teu espíritodeexplorador e descobrir as maravilhas naturais do Minho!Principais funcionalidades:✓ Mapa offline (OpenStreetMap)✓ Todos os percursos estão disponíveis offline✓ Distância, dificuldade, duração e altitude do percurso✓ Descrição e fotos do percurso por caminhantes locais✓ Percurso em GPS no Google Maps ou OpenStreetMap✓ Localização da tua posição com recurso a GPS✓ Pontos de interesse ao longo do caminho✓ Equipamento recomendado✓ Direções para chegar ao percurso de carro, transportes públicosouguias✓ Partilha dos percursos nas redes sociaisTambém é possível:- Navegar na lista ou no mapa de percursos- Pesquisar por nome, palavras-chave ou local do percurso- Filtrar os percursos por distância, dificuldade oulocalizaçãoEsta aplicação foi desenvolvida e adaptada em parceria comaCooperativa Itineris e Elos da MontanhaNota: Ao descarregar/atualizar/utilizar/continuar a utilizarestaaplicação está a aceitar os termos e condições expressos naEULA(End User License Agreement).Thismobileapplication intended as a guide (GPS) for all walkers in theMinhoregion and Peneda Geres National Park, providing usefulinformationon walks and trails in the area.This is the application you need to release your spiritofexplorer and discover the natural wonders of Minho!Key features:✓ offline map (OpenStreetMap)✓ All routes are available offline✓ Distance, difficulty, duration and altitude of the route✓ description and photos of the route by local hikers✓ Travel by GPS on Google Maps or OpenStreetMap✓ Location of your position with GPS to appeal✓ Points of interest along the way✓ Recommended Equipment✓ Directions to get to the car ride, public transportorguides✓ Sharing of courses on social networksYou can also:- Browse the list or map of route- Search by name, keyword or location of the route- Filter courses by distance, difficulty or locationThis application was developed and adapted in partnershipwiththe Cooperative Itineris and Links MountainNote: When you download / update / use / continue to usethisapplication you agree to the terms and conditions expressed intheEULA (End User License Agreement).
Notícias de Economia Brasil 1.1.7
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Este aplicativo disponibiliza informação econômica numaplataformamóvel, permitindo o seu acesso imediato.É uma forma rápida, eficiente e flexível para estar informadodosacontecimentos econômicos que fazem notícias no Brasil e noMundo.Você pode ainda configurar o aplicativo escolhendo as fontesdenotícias desejadas.Thisapplication provides economic information on a mobileplatform,allowing your immediate access.It's a fast, efficient and flexible way to be informedofeconomic events that make news in Brazil and worldwide. Youcanalso configure the application by selecting the desired sourcesofnews.
Trivial Quiz Русский 3.3
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Trivial – игра-викторина с несколькими категориями вопросов,онаспособна бросить вызов вашим знания!Как играть:• Начать новую игру• Выберите любимую категорию• Как можно быстрее ответьте на 15 вопросов• Чем больше правильных ответов подряд, тем больше очковвыполучите!Вы можете выбрать одну из следующих категорий:• География (Страны, столицы, флаги...)• Развлечения (фильмы, музыка, артисты...)• История• Искусство и литература (книги, картины...)• Наука и природа• Спорт и отдых (футбол, гастрономия, настольные игры...)Хотите вопросы с нескольких категорий? Без проблем! Выможетевыбрать случайный режим, так в вашей игре будут вопросы обовсемсразу;)МУЛЬТИПЛЕЕР:Играйте вместе со своими друзьями или случайными противниками,чтобыпоказать, что вы лучший игрок!СТАТИСТИКА:Викторина Trivial показывает детальную статистику вашей игры,чтопозволит вам следить за своими успехами и улучшить своинавыки!Trivial -aquiz game with multiple categories of issues, it is abletochallenge your knowledge!How to play:• Start a new game• Choose your favorite category• As soon as possible, answer 15 questions• The more correct answers in a row, the more points you get!You can select one of the following categories:• Geography (countries, capitals, flags ...)• Entertainment (movies, music, artists ...)• Story• Art and Literature (books, pictures ...)• Science and Nature• Sports and recreation (soccer, gastronomy, games ...)Want to questions from several categories? No problem! Youcanselect a random mode, so your game will be questionsabouteverything at once;)MULTIPLAYER:Play together with your friends or random opponents to showthatyou're the best player!Briefly:Trivial Quiz shows detailed statistics of your game that willallowyou to keep track of your progress and improve yourskills!
Word Galaxy 1.0.7
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Join this amazing journey and discover an universe of words thathelp you increase your vocabulary and improve your spelling whilehaving fun. Explore each planet and complete all levels of thegalaxy from the easiest to the most challenging! The perfect gamefor those who love words, puzzles and challenges. Great to playalone, with friends or family! GAME RULES - Swipe your fingeracross each letter to build the correct word, moving up, down,left, right or diagonally. - Whenever you complete a puzzle, youwill earn coins for your trip. TIPS We know that sometimes thingsget harder but do not worry! Throughout the game you can use tipsthat will help you to solve the puzzle. DAILY CHALLENGE Solve thedaily challenge to win extra coins for your trip! FRIENDS Log inwith Facebook and play with your friends to see who gets further!Show them that you are a real word explorer! NEW WORDS Because theuniverse is infinite ... new words, levels, planets and galaxiesare added regularly so this adventure never ends! Ready for thetrip? 3, 2 ,1…Let’s go!
Madeira Funchal & Garden Tours 2.3.0
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Come discover more about this beautiful city and its best gardens!
Testes de Código Oficiais 2023 1.4.0
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
The application that helps you APPROVE the code exam!
Walkme Portugal Trails 5.12.8
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
This mobile application aims to be a guide (GPS) to all hikers whowant to discover the natural wonders of the pedestrian trails inAzores Archipelago and Lisbon, specially in Sintra. The appprovides useful information about the trails. With dozens of trailswith updated information and available offline, this is the app youneed to unleash your explorer’s spirit and come discover thenatural wonders of the Azores and Portugal mainland! ** There isonly one free walk available to explore. To enjoy all the trailsforever you just have to buy once per region! ** KEY FEATURES: •More than 40 walks to explore in Azores and Sintra • Distance,difficulty, duration, description and photos for each trail made bylocal hikers • Map with GPS trails: Offline, Satellite and TerrainPLAN YOUR ADVENTURE: • Plan your walks with custom lists: TO DO andDONE • Afraid of getting lost? Use your smartphone as a GPS Trackerand follow the path to keep you on the right track. • Get real timeinformation about the walk location: weather and webcam • Rate thewalks and share your experience DISCOVER MORE: • Find hiddenwaterfalls, amazing lagoons, viewpoints and much more • Directionsand navigation options to get to the trail by car or publictransportation • Filter trails by popularity, distance, difficulty,type of walk, location birdwatching, kid friendly and more •Elevation graph, elevation gain, max and min altitude • Read thereviews and rating of the walks made by the community of hikersSAFETY FEATURES – SOS: • Sending SMS with your location (GPScoordinates) • Direct calling to emergency numbers (112, CivilProtection or GNR) NO ADS: • Buy once and get access to all thewalks! • No popup ads inside the app! ----- SUPPORT: We lovehearing from users: info@walkmeguide.com Note: Continued use of GPSrunning in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
True or False Quiz 1.5.0
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
True or False is the perfect game to test your general knowledge!
General Knowledge Quiz 7.9.11
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
The perfect quiz game to know the world with thousands ofquestions!
Word Search - Wozzle 1.9.0
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
An amazing word search game full of puzzles with several categoriesand themes!
Quizit - Trivia and Knowledge 7.3.1
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Game of questions and answers
Quizit Trivia et Connaissance 7.3.1
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Game of questions and answers
WalkMe | Walking in Madeira 6.3.0
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Madeira walking App! Support the app by purchasing the fullversion.
Super Quiz - Culture Générale 7.9.11
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Improve your knowledge and become a millionaire with Super Quiz!
Super Quiz - Wissens Deutsch 7.9.11
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
The perfect quiz game, learn to know the world with thousands ofquestions!
Super Quiz - Cultura Generale 7.9.11
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Keep coached the mind and test your knowledge with Super Quiz!
Super Quiz - Wiedzy Ogólnej 7.9.11
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Game Super Quiz convince you that science can be fun!
Mega Quiz Free 2.1.1
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Mega Quiz is the only game of general knowledge where you startwiththe top prize: 1 Million! The goal? Simple: Answer to 8questions ofmultiple-choice, bet the prize in one or more answersand reach theend with as much money as possible! HOW TO PLAY: •When the matchstarts you have available 1 million divided into 20packs of 50 000to bet throughout the 8 questions of the game •Select your favoritecategory between the two options for eachquestion • Answer thequestion by betting the full amount in one ormore answers. There isonly one rule: you must leave at least oneanswer empty YOUR BETS: •You have to bet all your money or youwill lose it • You have to bequick and decide the correct answer.You have only 60 seconds tobet. • You’ll only keep the money youbet on the correct answer • Ifyou lose all the money, the gameends. Will you be able to reach theend with a million? :)PERFORMANCE: Mega Quiz shows you a set ofstatistics so you cantrack your performance in the game and try toalways improve yourbest! Log in with Facebook and track yourperformance through: *Ranking “World”: all the players from aroundthe world * Ranking“Week”: who has been at his best this week *Podium: top threeplayers of each week. ACHIEVEMENTS: Answer thequestions, play,have fun and unlock all achievements! We promisethat you will besurprised by many of them ... but you’ll like it somuch you'llwant to share with your friends! --------------Feedback:info@walkme.pt Disclaimer: This game is not official.Final note:Some images and icons were designed by freepik.com
Quizit - Trivia und Wissen 7.3.1
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Game with questions and answers
Quizit - Trivia y Conocimiento 7.3.1
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Set of questions and answers
PicFun Word Puzzle 1.5.0
WalkMe Mobile Solutions
Guess the word related to the image! As simple as that! Ok,notreally! The image itself is a puzzle to challenge youwithdifferent difficulty levels, but we’re sure that you’re goingtolove this addictive game! Train your brain, unleashyourimagination and have fun! How many words can you find out? GETALITTLE HELP: HINTS & TIPS We know that it might be alittledifficult sometimes but don’t worry! There are hints andtipsavailable during the game so you can remove wrong letters,revealright letters or even solve the puzzle! You can also askyourFacebook friends! CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS Create your ownpuzzlesand challenge your friends! The best part is that you canearncoins when he or she solve the puzzle! :D KEY FEATURES - Onepuzzleimage, one word - Hints: remove letters, reveal letters,solve thepuzzle - 4 difficulty levels: 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 -Daily bonusto win coins! - Multiplayer: play with your friends,exchangechallenges and win coins! - New images and levels addedregularly!- Available in: English, French, Portuguese, Deutsch,Spanish,Dutch, Italian and Polish! TIPS TO MASTER THE GAME (RULES):To moveto the next level just figure out the word. To win all thestarsyou have to: - Find out the word - Complete the puzzle - Donot usehints The more stars you get, the more coins you earn! WELOVE TOHEAR FROM YOU Do you have any suggestion to improve thegame? Ormaybe a great image to include in the game? Contactus!info@walkme.pt